Outdoor Grow Guide


Introduction Guide on Growing Cannabis Outdoors

Introduction Guide on Growing Cannabis Outdoors

There’s nothing more rewarding than growing cannabis in the most natural setting of all – the great outdoors. Whether you have multiple acres at your disposal or just a small raised bed in your backyard – growing cannabis outdoors is a genuinely rewarding experience.

If you’re ready to take the plunge in cultivating cannabis outdoors, then read this in-depth introduction guide to learn everything from A-Z about growing top-shelf cannabis outdoors.

Why Grow Cannabis Outdoors?

Whether you’re after medical-grade cannabis or you don’t want to pay the high prices at legal cannabis dispensaries near you – growing marijuana outdoors is something that nearly anyone can do.

It’s Cheaper

When compared with indoor cannabis operations, growing cannabis outdoors is much cheaper. Outdoor cannabis relies on the natural light that’s produced by the sun instead of the light that’s generated by costly HID bulbs. 

When growing cannabis indoors, cultivators are forced to pay costly electricity bills from powering 600-1,000-watt metal halide and high-pressure sodium bulbs. Furthermore, indoor growing environments suffer from high heat that also compounds the electricity bill. In general, indoor cultivators use AC units, which require a large amount of electricity to decrease a room’s temperature.

Reach For The Skies

Growing cannabis outdoors allows your plants to reach their maximum potential, which means they can grow without the space limitations that are typically found in indoor grow rooms.

The larger an outdoor cannabis plant grows – the larger the final yield will be. This is because there are numerous bud sites in which flowers will form. Outdoor cannabis growers benefit from larger yields that would make any indoor cannabis grower jealous.

It’s Well Suited For Beginners

If you’re new to growing cannabis, then beginning outdoors is potentially your best option. Growing marijuana outdoors requires minimal investment in terms of equipment and supplies. 

Moreover, it’s uncommon to use hydroponics when growing cannabis outdoors, which has a steeper learning curve for beginners.

Growing cannabis in soil outdoors is much more forgiving for beginners, and many newbies find that it’s less stressful since they do not have to build-out an entire cannabis grow room. 

Although growing cannabis is not a simple task, the experience is much less difficult when growing cannabis outdoors – in general.

The Outdoor Cannabis Life Cycle

Now that you understand the primary benefits of growing cannabis outdoors let’s take a look at the cannabis life cycle and how it’s affected by the great outdoors.

The Germination Stage

Cannabis cultivators have two options when it comes to germinating cannabis seeds outdoors. You can either plant the cannabis seed directly outdoors, or you can germinate the cannabis seed indoors.

The germination process is a biological reaction that’s initiated by temperature and moisture. Cannabis seeds require elevated temperatures and a great deal of moisture to begin the chemical process of germination.

If you choose to germinate your cannabis seeds outdoors directly in the ground, then you must do it after the last frost. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your cannabis seed will germinate instead of rotting underground.  

Remember, cannabis seeds must be planted 1-2cm deep in the soil, which is fairly shallow. During the germination phase, you’ll need to check the planting area to make sure pests don’t eat the seeds. 

As the germination process begins, the root and shoot will emerge. The root naturally finds the way down due to gravity, while the shoot begins to push upwards to find the light. Once the shoot emerges, the germination phase is over, and the next stage begins. 

However, if you decide to germinate cannabis seeds indoors, you can choose from a number of germination techniques. You may use the paper towel method or germinate your seeds directly in a cup of soil. Once the cannabis seed germinates, you may transplant the seedling outdoors. 

The germination phase takes between 2-7-days, depending on various factors, such as temperature and moisture. However, this time frame may also differ depending on the vigor of the seeds. 

It’s important to note the fragility of cannabis seeds during the germination process, and it’s essential not to move the seeds while they are producing a root and shoot. Remember – this is the first moment of your cannabis plant’s life, which means you should make sure they are healthy every step of the way.


The Seedling Phase

A cannabis plant enters the seedling phase once the shoot emerges from the soil. In the case of outdoor cannabis plants, the seedling stage is incredibly vulnerable to pests and wildlife. 

If you chose to germinate your cannabis seeds outdoors, then they should be in the spot that they will remain for the rest of their lives. However, if germinated your cannabis seeds indoors, then it’s time to transplant the seedlings into a larger container into the soil.

Typically, wildlife, such as deer, rabbits, and moles, enjoy feeding on cannabis seedlings. Aside from being a delicious treat for various animals, cannabis seedlings are also vulnerable to being stepped on.

This is why it’s essential to fence off your outdoor grow space and place visual markers to alert anyone in the area from stepping in the seedlings. If a cannabis seedling is stepped on – it’s unlikely that it will recover. 

The seedling stage for cannabis plants is marked by the growth of its first “true” leaves, which differ from the original cotyledons that appear after germination. The cotyledons play a significant role in feeding cannabis seedlings for the first 2-3-weeks of their lives. This is why it’s important that you do not provide additional fertilizers at this point. 

Therefore, the seedling phase lasts for 2-3-weeks. You’ll notice between 2-3 nodes of growth by this point, in which your cannabis plant will enter the next stage of growth.


The Vegetative Stage

The vegetative stage of a cannabis plant growing outdoors is markedly different than cannabis plants grown indoors. The primary reason behind this is that outdoor cannabis crops rely on the changing of the season to transition from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage.

In the case of the vegetative stage outdoors, cannabis crops typically have 3-full months of growth – depending on when you decided to germinate cannabis seeds. If the last frost occurred in May, then the vegetative period will last from June to August.

During these summer months, the sun reaches its zenith directly overhead, which gives your outdoor cannabis plants an abundance of sunshine. It’s during this phase that your cannabis plants will experience explosive growth.

During the vegetative phase, your cannabis crops will produce vertical and horizontal growth. This means that your marijuana plants will grow in height and spread out across the land to soak up as much light as possible. The result is a massive cannabis tree that contains a plethora of branches and leaves.

Outdoor cannabis plants look much different than indoor cannabis plants because they are much larger and heavily built. The stems look more like tree trunks, and each your outdoor grow patch may soon resemble a forest as the summer months rage on.

There’s nothing quite as awe-inspiring as a backyard full of cannabis plants that are allowed to grow to their maximum potential. The aroma, the deep shade of green, and the knowledge that each of the plants will produce an abundant harvest will keep you motivated for the next stage that follows.

It’s essential to note that your cannabis crop will show its sex during the vegetative phase. However, this may be a stressful period for outdoor growers because multiple plants may show male pre-flowers. In this case, it’s imperative to destroy the males before the flowering stage begins.

Although it’s a shame to destroy a healthy male that has been growing for months – it’s even worse if a single male pollinates your entire crop. The last thing you want in your outdoor cannabis field are flowers filled with seeds come harvest time.

As the sun’s rays begin to weaken, and the daylight hours begin to decrease as autumn approaches, your cannabis plant will begin the much-anticipated flowering stage.


Period before flowering

At this point Your marijuana plant will show its sex now that the sun is not as high and the daylight is reduced.

Your plant will react naturally. This is what indoor marijuana growers try to imitate. is a light period of 12/12 hours.

The pre-flowering stage is the beginning of flower production. The flowering period can last up to 9-10 weeks.

It depends on the strain of marijuana grown. It is possible to take longer or less.

Sativa strains generally have a longer flowering period. Among the Indica cannabis strains, they have a shorter flowering time. It is important that you choose a cannabis strain that is suitable for your environment.

During the pre-flowering period Your cannabis plant may grow up to 100-200%. It’s going to be huge for sure – prepare yourself for giant marijuana plants!

During the pre-flowering period You will notice that each node will produce buds with small hairs which is called pistil. These pistils will continue to grow. Produces the cannabis flower that we want so much.

The pre-flowering period lasts for 2 weeks and you will notice that your cannabis plants are growing rapidly. and there will be a lot more flowers


Period of flowering

The flowering period is a time that every outdoor marijuana grower has high expectations. At this stage the flower size increases. and the creation of the trichomes will begin. As the weeks passed Marijuana flowers will swell and smell clearly according to the species.

It is very important to prepare the plant before the flowering stage with the structure. when the flowers are large The weight will harm the branches. Which is why there must be a support structure.

During this period You’ll have to keep an eye out. Be especially wary of wild animals and insects. Even Jory may try to prune plants and flowers prematurely. There are many obstacles during the flowering period. and many factors can increase or destroy your harvest.

If you have planned before you start outdoor planting. You will be harvesting very beautiful cannabis flowers.


Choosing the Right Breed for You

Once you understand the basics of the steps. of the growing period Let’s look at how to choose the best species for your outdoor plants.

There are many unique strains of marijuana that belong to Sativa-dominant or Indica-dominant or hybrid line It’s important to do as much research as you can. to understand as much as possible This will directly affect the growth of your tree.

Here are some of the most prominent aspects to consider when choosing a cannabis strain for your outdoor cannabis garden.

Period of flowering
Trichrome area
Overall height
Flower density
Resistance problems encountered

Each factor plays an important role. Because small factors can still help. or destroy your outdoor garden. Let’s look at an example.

If you live in a Mediterranean climate like Southern California You can rest assured that you can choose a cannabis strain with a long flowering period.

The main reason behind this This is because Southern California has a mild climate in the fall and winter. However, you need to choose a cultivar with a short flowering period. When growing in northern latitudes, such as Minnesota, due to the rapid fall foliage season.

When understanding the weather and your environment You can easily find the best cannabis strains for your area. The last thing you want to do is plant a Sativa cultivar in the northern states. only to find that autumn is approaching And you still have another month of flowering time left.

Understanding your region It will give you peace of mind when nature changes.

So is the density of flowers. If you buy a cannabis strain that produces dense indica flowers. But you live in an area with high humidity. However, if you choose a marijuana strain that is resistant to mold or produces loose blooms You won’t have any major problems with fungal diseases.

The most important considerations To choose a cannabis strain is resistance. By choosing a cannabis strain that is naturally resistant to negative factors such as mold, pests, diseases, etc., you increase the likelihood that you will have a positive experience.

However, if you fail to look for highly resistant cannabis strains. You may find that your plants are infested with red mites, blossom mold, root rot, or other dangerous pathogens.

Finally, you will need to consider the yield of the cannabis strain that may be grown. You are unlikely to choose a low yielding cannabis strain. Especially when it takes up to 6 months to reach the flowering stage.

You must remember that Everything takes longer when growing marijuana outdoors. Mainly because you are growing marijuana in a natural environment. By choosing the right breed This time will not be wasted. Deciding on the right strain will make cannabis flowers more productive.

Other important factors to consider

It’s important to understand that there is a time frame that you must adhere to when growing marijuana outdoors. Cannabis plants are sensitive to light. This means that they act according to the amount of light they receive.

Now think about the time it takes for a cannabis plant to germinate. Become seedlings, propagate, show sex, and finally flower. All these processes It can last up to 4-6 months, which is why you need to learn when to plant your cannabis seeds or clones.

It is generally understood that The best time to plant outdoor cannabis seeds is mid-April, however, you can start seeding indoors in March. and move the cannabis seeds out to the garden in April.

For clone It is best to plant in April as well. The seedlings will start about a month early, however, meaning your clone will be very large.

If you can’t have a large marijuana plant. You need to plant the cannabis seeds or clones in mid-May. or even early June This will give the plant less time to produce leaves. This means overall growth will be less as well.

Choosing the right fertilizer for cannabis plants for outdoor growing is important This is the food your plant depends on. However, the fertilizer may be different if you decide to plant it in the ground. with plants in pots.

Also, questions about fertilizers for growing cannabis outdoors. It’s even more confusing when it comes to the size of the garden. You will need very different nutrients when growing on an acre of land. versus a small plot in your backyard.

Let’s see how the size of your outdoor marijuana garden will determine how nutrient rich it is.

When growing marijuana on a large plot Buying a bag or bottle of fertilizer is not worth it. Instead, you depend on the composition of the soil and the nutrients available in it.

You can find knowledge by testing your soil by submitting a soil sample to a soil analysis company. This is not difficult because soil analysis is a common practice in common agricultural economies.

Once you know the nutrients in your soil. You may decide to use more fertilizer to increase the nutrient content of your cannabis plant.

The best way to add nutrients to your soil is Use large amounts of additives such as cow, chicken, or donkey dung. But it’s also full of nutrients.

Remember that the cannabis plant consumes a lot of nitrogen. This means that you will need nitrogen-rich nutrients when growing large quantities of cannabis plants. in general Large cannabis producers are expected to put in up to 400 pounds of nitrogen, 200 pounds of phosphorus, 265 pounds of potassium and up to 60 pounds of sulfur per acre. To ensure that the cannabis plant has the best performance.

However, if you grow marijuana plants in your backyard. The numbers will be very different. Instead of having to get a lot of nutrients. Growing cannabis plants outdoors can be done economically using bagged soil and bottled fertilizer.

In addition, a large number of ancillary substances such as mycorrhiza and beneficial bacteria It will help guarantee the health of your outdoor cannabis plant. You need to stick to reputable brands like Advanced Nutrients, Fox Farm, Botanicare, B.C. Grow, and Humboldt Nutrients.

Many of these brands sell bagged soil packed with nutrients. This makes it easy to place cannabis seedlings or cloned plants. Another option is to add “regular” soil to the container and use the nutrients in the jar to fill it.

In general Cannabis plants planted directly in the ground have larger root zones. This means they require more nutrients. However, you should pay close attention to how your plants respond after each application. to get information on whether they like (or dislike) that nutrient.

Here are some additional considerations when growing marijuana plants outdoors. Each of these factors will help you increase your overall productivity. and reduce outbreaks and experience away from stress.

  • Secure your outdoor space with a block fence.
  • Do not place lights near your outdoor marijuana plants at night.
  • Use organic pesticides such as neem oil for preventive care.
  • Add stilts for the duration of your cannabis plant.
  • Check under the leaves for pests.
  • Never tell anyone about your outdoor marijuana garden.
  • If in doubt Fertilize your hemp plants less.
  • Prepare shade during very hot days.
  • Covering trees during a rainstorm

By considering these simple and effective factors, you can ensure the health of your outdoor cannabis garden.

Your journey to become a green hand grower

You are now ready to grow your marijuana plants outdoors. You are starting a long journey to become a green hand grower. Growing cannabis is not easy. but it is highly possible If you plan ahead and consider this guide, there’s no better time than now. to start your outdoor marijuana garden. The outdoor growing season is approaching. Are you ready?

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