A guide to planting within closed spaces


Recommended cultivation of cannabis in a closed area.

If you are ready to step into this green circle.
There could be no better time than now. Whatever the reason
Marijuana from a legal store in the neighborhood would be too expensive. Or do you just want to experience and enjoy your own produce?
Growing cannabis in an enclosed area also rewards you with experience.

However, growing marijuana in enclosed spaces is no easy task.
This is why we’ve created a tutorial dedicated to growing cannabis in enclosed spaces for beginners, from the beginning to the best ways to grow marijuana in enclosed spaces.

Understanding the life cycle of the cannabis plant

Before you start investing in the necessary planting equipment.
You need to understand the basics of cannabis first.

The cannabis plant cycle depends on everything in your growing room: space, lighting, ventilation. and many more. If you haven’t understood the life cycle of the cannabis plant yet, You also have the right to not be able to produce products.

So let’s see what is there to learn – now let’s break down the life cycle of the cannabis plant into 4 main parts.


Planting period (0-7 days)​

Before the marijuana can grow up etc. They were seeds before, each of them had hidden potential. Because these seeds will have different expressions. Growers have no way of telling what kind of plant it will turn out to be. Until a plant grows to a certain point, however, you need to understand that each seed is full of potential.

The seeding process begins when the seed is exposed to two main factors. Temperature and humidity both react with the seed and force it to start producing roots.

Humidity and warm temperatures are signals for the seed to tell it to release its newborn roots.
came out to prepare to be taken to the ground The primordial root is the primary body of the root which is pulled by gravity into the soil and grows the stem above the soil and eventually begins to produce the stem, branches, leaves and finally the cannabis flower.

After this step is complete The rooting process has ended and the next stage has begun.


Young planting period (1-3 weeks)

The sapling stage of cannabis plants occurs after the rooting stage has been completed. during the sapling period This plant is in a very fragile state. Too strong winds, weather conditions, and pests. Is the risk to the growth of this plant. This is why you need to be extra careful during this step.

However, this plant does not need external nutrients in the first 3 weeks. The most common mistake in raising young plants is to provide the plant with unnecessary nutrients at this stage, which in turn causes a disease known as overnutrition.

Once the sprout has grown beyond the first stage of its life, the next stage begins.


Leaf making period (3-4 weeks)

When the cannabis plant enters the leafing period The roots grow rapidly and this, in turn, allows the plant to form large cotyledons. And your marijuana plant will start to look like a regular marijuana plant.

At this stage, 18/6 lighting (18 hours on, 6 hours off) is necessary to keep the plant in its leafing stage.

This depends on your needs and growing environment and many other factors. Mainly, the cannabis plant will be in the leafing phase from 2 weeks to 2 months and in the sexual display of the tree will also be in the leafing phase.


Period of flowering

After your cannabis plant has grown to the perfect size, it’s time to start the flowering phase. because you planted in a closed space So you have the option to decide when to start producing flowers.

Forcing the tree into the flowering period can be done by adjusting the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 (12 hours on and 12 hours off). When the lights are adjusted like this, the plant will understand that it is time to enter. to the flowering stage and preparing to enter the last stage of its life.

At the flowering stage you will be able to determine the gender of the plant. male or female Flowering only happens to female plants, so if I find a male plant, either separate the female plant far away from the female plant or cut it off altogether as there is a risk of accidentally generating seeds in the flower.

During the flowering period, the growers will see that Your tree has grown more than 200% its size in the first two weeks. after the beginning of the flowering period The plant will start producing flowers from the top to the base.

Flowering stage is the most anticipated stage by growers, high nutrition and care are all important parts of the cannabis plant cycle.

The flowering stage usually takes around 8-10 weeks to be harvested, however some cultivars are able to finish flowering sooner or later, averaging 9 weeks which means you will need to Be prepared to care for the plants at this stage of more than 2 months.

Overall, the time from seed to harvest can take anywhere from three and a half months to six months. Ready.


Choosing the right breed for you

Cannabis strains are incredibly diverse. Thousands of marijuana strains are created every year, which means there are too many mismatched phenotypes and that problem can ruin your growing room. But maybe not.

Even so, you may still be wondering, what is a phenotype? Phenotype 1 is specific, which means you can recognize the taste, feel, smell and characteristics of each species.

So what does that mean when we grow marijuana in enclosed spaces? It’s everything. because if you have limited planting space You will want a cultivar that will not grow like crazy and that will fit in your space.

Additionally, your planting location may be in an extra bedroom.
In this case, you may want to choose a species that doesn’t smell too much during its lifetime.

In fact, there are thousands and thousands of different breeds that are right for you. Let me give one more last example. You should choose a variety that produces a lot of trichomes.

By choosing the strain that best suits you, your cannabis grow room will be a success.

And here are a few tips that will make choosing the perfect cultivar for your growing room.

Size of the plant when grown to maturity
Terpenes of that species
The smell of the mature plant
Effect of species
Yield potential
Period of flowering
Distribution of branches
Amount of THC
Trichrome density
Durability of the tree

After you consider the elements including your space and needs. You will have quite a few breeds to choose from.

Other factors to consider

Here, it’s time to choose a covered area for your planting. Your grow room will be an extra bedroom. or wardrobe Or even a warehouse with a lot of space? no matter what you choose It is necessary to consider appropriately.

First of all, how much do you want to plant? The size of your planting area will determine how much you can plant. If you want to plant just one tree The space in the closet might be enough. But if you want to plant 6 big trees, you will need a lot of usable space.

The second is You will need to make sure that Your growroom can power multiple high-intensity lights. Cannabis grown in confined spaces can be grown with high-intensity light bulbs. (high-intensity discharge lights, or HIDs for short.

You really need to make sure your grow room can handle multiple HIDs, especially if you plan on expanding the number of individual grows in the future.

Next, you need to make sure you have a direct water intake. which if you grow indoor, then you don’t have a direct channel to get water You will have a full time job pushing a lot of water into and out of your planting area all the time. This isn’t just a decision-making problem. But it’s a waste of time for a reason as well.

Next, make sure you have ducts or windows dedicated to ventilation. Cannabis plants need ventilation to thrive. And ducts or windows can do that.

In general, indoor grow rooms have exhaust fans. to bring fresh air and another fan that sucks hot air from inside the growing room to the outside This keeps the cannabis plant happy. Because the air inside the growing room is controlled at the level that the plant needs.

Without proper ventilation Your cannabis plant is susceptible to a variety of problems. This may cause your tree to die before it can fully grow.

Ultimately, enclosed cannabis grow rooms should be positioned to allow access to the plants in every corner of your growing area.

When we talk about media We mean what will be used to grow cannabis. Media is like a term used to refer to something indifferent. which it means Potting soil, water or insulation Choosing your own media is very important for many reasons.

One of the reasons is that your marijuana plant will have to be grown on it during its lifetime. The second reason is that these media will determine what kind of nutrients your plant will get. Let’s take a look at how different planting media will have an effect on growing in your enclosed space.

Keep in mind that you should consider the size of your planting area as to what type of planting equipment it is suitable for. Large trays for hydroponics systems may not be suitable for small spaces in closets, for example, so you need to choose one that fits your living space.

Soil is the most popular choice for growing hemp. The reason is because it’s cheap. often easy to find low maintenance cost And most importantly, it’s natural.

When you plant marijuana in the ground You will want nutrients aimed at soil use, which means that You should distance yourself from using it. various synthetic substances and use only natural extracted products The advantages of the soil are the living organisms in the soil that act as a protective barrier and support for the roots.

However, soil-grown cannabis grows at a slower rate than hydroponically grown. Growing in the ground offers a closer look to nature. which is suitable for those who have just started growing or professional growers as well.

Growing a water system is an amazing way to grow. This system uses water. air and nutrients To produce beautiful cannabis flowers in a short period of time. However, planting this system It is often seen as a fairly cumbersome system compared to planting in the ground.

This system of planting involves immersing the roots directly in the aerated water. In this way, the medium used is water.

However, there are actually other growing mediums that fall into the same category as hydroponic systems. Those things are Insulation, aerated clay, perlite, vermiculite or rice husks. The main factors to consider when using these are that they are stable and non-living inside. which means it has no nutrients and will not do any chemical reaction.

In the case of the medium of this system The use of chemical fertilizers is very typical of this line. The main reason for it is because This type of planting system will have no bacteria that are beneficial to the tree at all. Therefore, it is necessary to use chemicals as a catalyst for nutrients to the tree.

Beneficial bacteria are active in the soil, transforming the unavailable nutrients into use. The hydroponic growing system will skip this step. but how This also results in rapid growth of the tree. which translates to This plant reacts faster when it is over- or under-nourished.

Soilless mediums are not for both soil growing and hydroponic systems. Coconut husks are an example of this type of media. The coconut husk is the medium that is formed from the shell of the coconut. It is very popular and famous in the agricultural industry.

Coconut husks can be reused just like normal soil. but will also be able to absorb nutrients in a hydroponic system The coir has become a super versatile medium and can be used effectively to grow cannabis in closed spaces.

After deciding on a medium for planting It’s time to choose nutrients. Which you should choose to suit your medium as well.

products that contain the same amount of nutrients that contain Equal amounts of N-P-K (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) This is enough for most of the cannabis plant’s life. Especially during the leaf making period.

But how during the flowering period The hemp plant will need increased amounts of phosphorus and potassium. This means that you will need to add more P and K nutrients in that phase.

Still, choosing nutrients is never an easy task. Do you use organic stuff? What about the beneficial bacteria? Product to accelerate growth? What about natural accelerators? Like bat manure or bone powder?.

The above is an example of what you will encounter. It depends on your choice of growing medium. If you choose to grow hydroponically You’ll want to buy nutrients that won’t alter the pH.

If you choose to plant in the ground You should also look for nutrients that contain natural ingredients that are predominantly beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.

In the end, it’s helpful to check reviews from other growers who have used the product. It’s better than buying without studying at all. And what you really don’t want to do is use nutrients that contain components that will harm the plant or provide the plant with insufficient nutrients at different stages.

As mentioned above Before you estimate the amount of power that is required. You must know the quantity you will plant first. Grow lights are indispensable for growing cannabis in confined spaces as they generate light to power the plants to produce your best crops.

But it’s not all Which light will you choose? For example, grow lights are Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, CFL, and LED. Let’s look at each type.

After reading to the end It will be up to you to decide which kind of lights to use for the grow room. You also need to consider the total cost of purchasing the power supply and cooling system.

If you are looking for the strongest and most powerful light from a range of bulbs. You would have to choose this type of lamp, such as metal halide or high pressure sodium lamp.

These bulbs are used to light the grow room because they are so well known. but vice versa These bulbs emit far more light than necessary. So they have quite a few disadvantages.

These bulbs produce light in such a way that they make your room about to be abducted by a UFO, which in addition to warming up the room. And not enough, it also consumes a lot of power as well. Therefore, if you use this type of light You can prepare to pay big electricity bills.

In general Indoor planting can choose to use lights from 300,600 and 1000 watts. The lamp is powered by a fluorescent circuit. which may not be built with a built-in dimmer.

Most of these lights have a wide beam of light and provide enough power to deliver a very penetrating light, though you should consider heat and cost all the way to the end.

Most of the time, metal halide lamps are used during the foliar process. because it gives white and blue light The light waves of these two colors are similar to the sun in summer. Which affects the growth during the leafing period.

The high-pressure sodium lamps are often used during the flowering period. because it supply red and orange light Both waves mimic autumn sunlight as it escapes to the ends of the world at sunset. In which people believe that red and orange are light waves that will cause flowering.

LEDs are a more nature-loving option than previous types of bulbs. Because LEDs provide powerful light but consume less power. However, it is still necessary that you understand that This type of light does not come with as powerful a light output as a high intensity light bulb.

This type of light allows growers to place the lights closer to the plants because of the reduced light intensity. And the heat is reduced along with the cost of electricity, making it an alternative that does not consume too much money.

Many places that grow in warehouses use this type of fire. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that such lights are only suitable for growing in small spaces like closets.

But these lights are still more expensive than HIDs or high intensity light bulbs. So it should be remembered that the reduced electricity bill may come into the purchase of these lights instead.

The LED light can adjust the intensity of the light. Thus allowing growers to choose the level of fire they want. It is known that all cannabis plants respond to light with a wavelength of light at 400-700 nm.

So it can be concluded that if you choose to use LED You need to adjust the bulbs to the above values, no more, no less.

This bulb has a low wattage. And not enough light for many plants, but if you want to add lights to use with other types of bulbs and want to save budget This type of tube is a good choice.

This type of bulb produces less heat and consumes less energy. Basically, this type of grow light is suitable for growing in a small space such as a closet where 1-2 plants can be planted to get the most out of the light. Unless you’re on a budget. These energy-saving bulbs are more suitable as backup lights.

Ventilation and odor control are very important. They are separated for two main reasons, however, both are often found together in most grow rooms.

Ventilation in the grow room requires the aid of an exhaust fan to draw in and exhaust hot air to the outside and a small line fan to cool the grow room. The exhaust fan is attached to the duct to provide precise and efficient air flow.

Enclosed grow room is very necessary to have an exhaust fan. The size of the fan depends on the size of your planting area. The bigger the planting room The fan must be bigger accordingly.

Enclosed grow rooms are often infested with various pests and plant diseases. If the growing room does not have proper ventilation And this is why we need to find an oscillating fan for cooling. So we can be sure that the growing room will control the humidity not to rise and the air does not heat up. and keeps the leaves moving all the time.

Fungi are the deadliest weapon for any cannabis grower. And the oscillating fan can be either a productivity saver or a disaster. The number or size of fans depends on the size of the growing room. And you may need more than just one fan to keep your grow room away from mold.

An odor filter is an indispensable tool for growing cannabis. Because of the cannabis It emits a scent almost throughout its lifespan. and will have the strongest scent during the flowering period Even if your neighbors are accepting of marijuana, it’s better if you prevent the smell from spreading to other people.

Filters are often known as carbon filters. Which uses a handful of charcoal powder to catch odors.

Growers attach carbon filters to exhaust fans that push air outside. While the air is sucked out, the smell will also be sucked out. But these odors are trapped in the carbon layer of the filter, which effectively prevents these unpleasant odors from going outside.

And as mentioned It also depends on your number. Doing so may require you to purchase larger or more filters.

What you guys hope you won’t encounter in your lifetime is getting complained by your neighbors or worse. You may even see the police come to your home.

And finally it’s time to shop for the various accessories and controllers that are suitable for your enclosed garden. Let’s take a look at each one of them.

The control unit is used to control the various automation systems within your grow room. Below is a list of the different controllers available for you to choose from.

  • Timer to turn lights on and off
  • Water supply controller
  • All inclusive control set
  • Nutrient dispenser
  • Carbon dioxide regulator

Each type of controller can control dispensing, timing and many other things in your grow room. A lighting controller is necessary to turn 12/12 or 18/6 lights on and off precisely at a set time.

All-in-one controllers are expensive. which its function is to control the water supply Setting the time to turn off the lights and many more And the carbon dioxide controller will control the carbon content to the right level. from which you can see These regulators play a very important role in the grow room.

When it comes to indoor marijuana cultivation, It has hundreds of different accessories to choose from. Let’s see what essential equipment you might need.

  • Support pole
  • Net
  • Flower pruning
  • Scissors
  • pH meter
  • Water conductivity meter
  • Water quality meter
  • Label
  • Temperature and humidity meter
  • Leveling pulley
  • And many more


All of the above equipment will make it easier to grow your cannabis in your enclosed space. But marijuana is considered a weed in some parts of the world. Growing a good crop of marijuana is no easy feat unless you have the right equipment for the job.

Are you ready to grow cannabis in your enclosed space?

Now you guys have learned how to get started and how to grow marijuana in a closed space. It’s time to put these theoretical knowledge into action. Remember, growing cannabis in confined spaces is not a race or competition. Mistakes must happen. and problems that do not know when will occur However, it is necessary to refer to this entire tutorial if you are still insecure during planting.

Now, when you’re ready to go, start growing your cannabis in your enclosed space. We would also recommend creating a checklist of the supplies and equipment you will need. Create a plan, prep, and do it. You’ve got all the information you need to grow high-grade cannabis.

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